Our story on recognizing fake news sites struck a huge nerve this week, and for good reason. There’s a lot of it going around – especially on social media sites like Facebook – where millions of people read and share it without even knowing it. When I dug around on my own Facebook, several friends have indeed shared bogus stories over the past year.
Several credible news outlets and a site called Fake News Watch have put together lists of sites “known to be untruthful, ranging from satirical websites to sites trying to pass off lies as truth.”
Here are the top known fake sites, and below thatlinks to a few of the best lists we’ve found so far:
(The top three are ones I found shared among friends on my Facebook feed. This list does not include satire or propaganda sites:)
- Newslo.com
- NaturalNews.com
- DCGazette.com
- DailyBuzzLive
- AmericanNews.com
- BigAmericanNews.com
- Cap News (twitter.com/capnews)
- ChristWire.org
- CivicTribune.com
- ClickHole.com
- DailyCurrant.com
- DCClothesLine.com
- DerfMagazine.com
- DrudgeReport.com.co
- DuhProgressive.com
- EmpireNews.com
- EnduringVision.com
- Indecision Forever (www.cc.com/indecision)
- MSNBC.co
- MSNBC.website
- MediaMass.net
- NationalReport.net
- NewsBiscuit.com
- News-Hound.com
- NewsMutiny.com
- PoliticalEars.com
- Private-eye.co.uk
- RealNewsRightNow.com
- RileNews.com
- Sprotspickle.com
- TheNewsNerd.com
- TheUsPatriot.com
- WitScience.org
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