
Wired Well

Self-care over selfies! From wearables, to fitness trackers, and even weird little robots that zap you every time you eat a cookie (for real!), we give you the tools you need to live your healthiest life.

Wired Well

This Smart Tech Can Save Your Life

Minneapolis-based electrical engineer and mom of two, Emily Riggs, was just 34 year old when she noticed a “different looking” mole on her back.  “I saw it and just had a sense of dread,” Riggs said over the phone. “It…

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Wired Well

High tech beauty tweakments? What the tech?

***THIS ARTICLE ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN USA TODAY*** After staring at our own faces on Zoom calls for what seems like the past bajillion years, there’s a major boom in high-tech beauty “tweakments.” That’s the latest term used to describe non-surgical…

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